PEXA is committed to continuously improving ESG practices to help support sustainable communities and deliver our social impact.

Our strategy is focused on the ESG issues that help us lead responsibly, create positive impact and deliver measurable outcomes for stakeholders.

Our Strategy includes our Framework that guides our efforts and focuses on our most material ESG issues and our Strategy Action Plan that includes the strategies, activities and metrics to progress our management and reporting against our most material issues to our business and our stakeholders. Our refreshed ESG Strategy focuses us on our core risk and opportunity areas of Governance, Customer and Product, People and Community and Environment

Our strategy approach considered the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with our activities aligning with SDGs 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16 and 17 and the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.



Our materiality process enables us to identify the most material topics to our business and our stakeholders. We gathered stakeholder insights and feedback during this process which enabled us to prioritise our key ESG issues to inform future decision making.

From our 2024 assessment, 22 material sustainability topics were prioritised based on their importance, risk and opportunity to our business and how important they are to our stakeholder groups.

Our material issues were then categorised under the key focus areas of:

  • Governance
  • Customer and Product
  • People and Community
  • Environment

Of the 22 issues, the 12 most material topics are captured within our ESG Framework to ensure we align our disclosures to those issues that matter most.

Our ESG Action Plan captures the current and future activities we are progressing across the FY25-26 years to manage these core ESG areas.

We expect our material topics to evolve and expand overtime therefore we will continue to review our materiality assessment process, continue to focus on current and emerging ESG themes and consider internal and external stakeholder perspectives. We will update our ESG Action Plan as we progress.

We will continue to develop our ESG programs and report our outcomes annually in line with our framework and action plan.

Our ESG Framework and Strategy can be found here.


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Our ESG Strategy

Our strategy is focused on the ESG issues that help us lead responsibly, create positive impact and deliver measurable outcomes for stakeholders. Our Strategy includes our Framework that guides our efforts and focuses on our most material ESG issues and our Strategy Action Plan that includes the strategies, activities and metrics to progress our management and reporting against our most material issues to our business and our stakeholders. Our refreshed ESG Strategy focuses us on our core risk and opportunity areas of Governance, Customer and Product, People and Community and Environment 
Our strategy approach considered the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with our activities aligning with SDGs 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16 and 17 and the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.  



Ethically and responsibly manage our key risks, uphold best practice governance and communicate openly with stakeholders.

  • Uphold business ethics supporting a transparent and open culture
  • Develop digital solutions responsibly with oversight from our Ethics Advisory Committee
  • Enhance our assurance program
  • Enhance ESG reporting and indices participation
  • Support the requirements of our regulators through active engagement
  • Enhance our Risk Management Framework (RMF)
  • Enhance our Risk Management Framework (RMF)
  • Promote a culture of risk awareness where our people demonstrate positive risk behaviours and ethical considerations in the management of risks
  • Evolve our privacy strategy alongside technology and continue to implement our Privacy Management Plan
  • Continue implementing cyber controls upholding confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data  
  • Consistently strengthen our cyber resilience plan
  • Build a ‘cyber-vigilant’ culture using security-focused platforms, continuous training and testing
Customer & Product

Customer & Product

Delivering secure digital infrastructure, insights and improving customer experience by enabling innovation and partnering with the right suppliers.

  • Continue to maintain our robust, secure and resilient services
  • Work with industry stakeholders to improve effectiveness, security and resilience of the property ecosystem
  • Continue to improve our product coverage and scope incorporating customer input
  • Improve the efficiency of our customers’ processes through integration and digitisation initiatives offered on an equal-access basis
  • Create new opportunities with digital solutions by leveraging Exchange-related capabilities
  • Innovate to help customers create value through property while managing key risks, including climate change
  • Support customers with innovative applications of environmental, valuation and housing data
  • Deliver a Modern Slavery roadmap, gap analysis and statement uplift
  • Enhance our supplier risk assessments
  • Engage with our suppliers on net zero targets, climate and modern slavery plans
People & Community

People & Community

Working towards outcomes by supporting industry and our communities to make positive change, by leveraging our people and their talents who lead with a better together culture.

  • Support housing affordability and supply advocacy and continue industry engagement
  • Invest in impact driven partnerships aligned to PEXA’s purpose
  • Expand social impact metrics, increasing volunteering hours and participation
  • Continue to implement our FY23-26 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) strategy
  • Inspire inclusive leadership and reduce our gender pay gap
  • Progress towards our targets to achieve 50% gender balance across PEXA and 50% gender balance in leadership roles by FY26
  • Train our leaders in DEI within their first year of joining
  • Evolve our co-designed indigenous engagement strategy
  • Continue to elevate our employee experience measured by our engagement scores
  • Uphold our safety standards and wellbeing position of ‘flex first’
  • Continue to evolve employee growth and skill development through our PEXA Academy


Protect our natural assets for future generations by supporting sustainable communities, managing carbon emissions and climate risk.

  • Progress our climate program aligned with the Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards
  • Provide annual climate-related disclosures reporting from 2025
  • Transition plan for a changing climate
  • Achieve net zero scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025 
  • Switch office electricity sources to renewable~
  • Reduce scope 3 emissions through category strategies within our Carbon Management Plan
  • Expand emissions assurance and improve scope 3 data sources
  • Expand sustainability impact metrics
  • Reduce waste, increase compostable product and recycling rates across our offices
  • Develop our approach to nature and biodiversity related risks and opportunities
  • Instil a sustainability culture across our global teams


United Nations Global Compact Network Australia

We joined as a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact Network Australia in November 2023 in support of the Ten Principles on Human rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption and the UN SDGs.

The UN GCNA is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative bringing together participants to advance responsible business and the private sector’s contribution to sustainable development. In FY25 PEXA joined the compact’s Climate Ambition Accelerator and continues to be a part of the Modern Slavery Community of Practice.